
responding in times of crises

When crisis strikes, urgent resources are ready, and often prepositioned, to reach areas in need as quickly as possible through ADRA’s global network and partners. Funds, materials, and personnel are coordinated through ADRA’s country offices nearest to the disaster so plans can be put into action immediately and appropriate relief supplies reach the areas hardest hit. 

Did you Know?

Emergencies can mean anything from natural disasters, famine and more. For these, The Bahamas is considered at high risk not just geographically, but particularly because the vulnerable population is steadily increasing.

Here are some of the ways that we’re helping to reach those in need:

 – Providing home construction and repairs to vulnerable households and those with disabilities

 – Supporting schools with free sanitation resources 

 – Supporting communities in recovery of their livelihoods through emergency food security and livelihood (EFSL) activities

 – Strengthening the humanitarian development peace nexus in protracted settings by aligning development and humanitarian programming to improve education, emergency response and livelihoods

 – Reducing risks and increasing resilience of communities to cope with climate change and natural disasters


10,013 lives

Between May 2020 and May 2021 alone we’ve impacted over 10,000 lives thanks to our donors!


Volcanic Eruption

St. Vincent & the Grenadines

On 9 April 2021, La Soufrière erupted for the first time after 40 years, sending an ash plume of 10km into the sky. The resulting ashfall was very heavy in the surrounding areas, reaching nearby islands and halting area air traffic. Subsequent eruptions, lava flows, earthquakes, ash plumes, and seismic activity continued throughout April. In early May, explosions subsided, but seismic activity and the risk of lahars remained.When disaster struck in St. Vincent with the eruption of the volcano, ADRA Bahamas was there to help the affected population. As part of a network response, ADRA Bahamas provided funds to help with an 87,438 hot meals response to 849 persons displaced from their homes.


The Bahamas

On March 19, 2020, the Bahamian Government issued the first Emergency Powers Orders, on March 27, 2020, the country's borders were closed. On March 31, 2020, an Emergency Powers Act was amended; new measures included a 24-hour curfew, stoppage of all domestic air travel, closure of all schools, postponement of all gatherings, and restricted travel on the roadways to essential service workers. We provided over 200 hygiene kits and cases of water for families identified by Social Services in Grand Bahama; provided over 1,000 tablets along with free data to schools throughout Grand Bahama, Abaco, and all Children’s Homes and shelters in New Providence; we purchased and installed 128 Sanitation stations throughout every school in Abaco and Grand Bahama and freely repaired 41 roofs throughout Abaco and Grand Bahama for educators.