Expectations and reality are not always equally matched.
In truth, it is my humble belief that reality is not even a smidgen close to what we often expect. This in fact was my reality when I arrived at T. G. Glover Primary School here in New Providence on November 20th, 2020.

Prior to this particular Friday, I had never known where this school was located, nor had I ever heard of it {i’m from ‘Freeport’ 🤷🏾♀️ – give me some mercy please}.
I went with the intent to distribute seven (7) of the tablets we have allocated for this school. With a start time of 10:00am, and was assured by the School’s Vice Principal that she asked her parents “to be on time“…I figured 1 hour MAXIMUM 😅 [keep this time in mind] -super easy and I could return to the office and complete other tasks.
I arrived, Mr. Johnson [Head of Security] greeted me and took the devices from me as he said it was his pleasure to help….there were, who I presumed to be parents, lined up and waiting patiently outside of the entrance to the main school building.
A table was well prepared with hand sanitiser stations all around for persons to follow the necessary protocols and within a blink, we were ready to begin promptly at 10:00am!

I met some of the most lovely women you would ever come to know, you never truly realize the gift of giving until you actual give! Service above self has been the greatest reward for me since joining ADRA.

One device literally cancels a great deal of stress and discord in many homes….having the ability to positively impact a child and by extension an entire household is a remarkable feeling. We believe wholeheartedly that every child deserves to be in school and that is why we have pushed to distribute nearly 1,000 devices to date!

SERVING, however, is easiest when you interact with persons that are truly thankful for the gifts you provide. “The attitude of gratitude” is when someone expresses thankfulness within all aspects of life…this shone brightly from my 7th parent…. Miss Lashanty Clarke!
“Coincidentally”, “by happenstance”, “as fate would have it”, “through divine intervention”…however you wish to say it – our hearts and eyes immediately connected. It was as though we read the pain that we were both hiding through our very narrowly squinted eyes as we smiled toward one another….and THAT pain was loss, thanks to Hurricane Dorian.
I’m a firm believer in persons telling their own story….here’s her portion 😉
Remember when I asked you earlier to keep that time in mind? Well, let’s just say I was complete with parents 1 through 6 by my target timeframe BUT wasn’t complete until 12 noon with #7 🤣.
TIME well spent, so many persons fail to recognize how important giving of time is to those in need…everyone may not be financially able to provide a monetary gift but time is always appreciated.
Thanksgiving day is now a memory, Black Friday sales are winding down but an attitude of gratitude should be present year round! I’m grateful in this season of giving that I have the opportunity to make myself and life available through service to humankind – irrespective particularly of race and religion. ADRA in The Bahamas and around the world is about that life 🙌🏾.
If you have an attitude of gratitude and want to share your time and talents please do let us know by sending me an email ([email protected] ) and I would be happy to connect with you.