Part 1: “….it had to be a demon!”
After suffering (and still dealing with effects of) a stroke, brain trauma and the loss of her love & husband two years prior, September 1st 2019 brought a new storm that Mrs. Moss would have to find the strength and willpower to literally fight through to survive: Hurricane Dorian.

Due to her medical concerns, Mrs. Moss was staying with her sister during the storm. She recollects witnessing a series of tornados that destroyed cars and buildings in her surroundings before eventually impacting her sister’s home where she was staying. “I have never seen anything like that in my life; it had to be a demon!” she said.

While escaping her sister’s building, she recalls having to walk through flood waters and mud. During her journey to the safety of the Teacher’s and Salary Workers Union building, she stated that she was nearly trapped in the flood waters due to an electrical wire being wrapped around her leg. While trapped, she called out to God saying, “God, if I am your child and it is my time to go then take me home!” It was only then that her daughter-in-law was able to release her foot from the entanglement of the dangerous electrical wires, and they were able to eventually make it to the building.
During her six days at the shelter, Mrs. Moss- who is widely known for having exceptional culinary skills- explained that she had become a caregiver and comforter to the children of the shelter, and often had to assist parents with calming their children and even helping them to sleep at night. She stated that she believes she is a walking testimony and that God kept her to share her story and to be a comfort to others.
Part 2: Double Tragedy
However, while seeking refuge, Moss revealed that her son and brother stayed at her home during the storm. Unfortunately, the building collapsed on the pair, resulting in them not being found until days after the storm. Moss’ son was a diabetic who had sustained cuts and bruises from being buried in the rubble, as well as going days withouthis medications. Sadly, her son and brother both died of kidney failure months after the storm.

Moss Property being prepared for construction
After a series of devastating losses and horrific experiences, she remains resilient and faithful to God. Each day she continues to exude kindness to her family and fellow community members, whereas she helps to feed people in need. She is now a recipient of a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom shell home from our Love Action project (click the link to learn more) and has received an outpouring of love and assistance from her community.

This project was funded by the TK Foundation and implemented by ADRA Bahamas. To help us continue this Project’ efforts, to financially support this project, please, donate now.